Tadi lagi asik nongkrong di salah satu channel buat decrypt MD5 hashes, aku tiba-tiba di pv ama seseorang dan ternyata baru aku tahu dia seorang hacker dari denmark, dan dia itu: MUSLIM !!!
Dia ahli programming dan ahli networking.
Berikut ini adalah log hasil pembicaraan kami:
dhildi> salam
muhammad_baiquni> salam
dhildi> i am new to this irc,
dhildi> i need one help
muhammad_baiquni> what you need
dhildi> i dont know if ur able to help me, but i have this Md5 hash with Salt, do u think u can help me decrypt the pass for me ?
muhammad_baiquni> i cannot
dhildi> do u know who can help me ?
muhammad_baiquni> and the bot is not support for md5 with salt
muhammad_baiquni> i dunno
muhammad_baiquni> but i think you can using passwordpro
muhammad_baiquni> you can buy it on insidepro.com or search the warez
dhildi> i have tired with passwordpro, but it can only do one hash at a time
dhildi> is insidepro good ?
muhammad_baiquni> no if you have lisense
muhammad_baiquni> 😀
muhammad_baiquni> i thinks good
muhammad_baiquni> it can be crack 3000000 brute force per 1 sec
dhildi> does passwordpro work faster on quad core servers
muhammad_baiquni> but it depend your processor
muhammad_baiquni> i dunno 😀
dhildi> ok, i have a quad core with 3 Gb ram
muhammad_baiquni> but i think it cand
muhammad_baiquni> but i think it can
dhildi> insha allah i hope i can retive the password
muhammad_baiquni> u can test
dhildi> bruteforce takes ages i guess
muhammad_baiquni> u can using dictionary
muhammad_baiquni> insidepro give u dictionary free
muhammad_baiquni> to download
dhildi> i have a 21GB dictionary for password pro
muhammad_baiquni> good
dhildi> does registered version of passwordpro scan faster than unregistered
muhammad_baiquni> yups
muhammad_baiquni> the registerd can crack unlimited hashes
muhammad_baiquni> in one time
dhildi> i will try john the ripper
muhammad_baiquni> not only 1 hashes in 1 time
muhammad_baiquni> i think passwordpro much better by john
dhildi> do u know if john the ripper can crack Md5 with salt ?
muhammad_baiquni> i never using john 😀
muhammad_baiquni> nope… i never use john
dhildi> ok inhsa allah
dhildi> so how is ramadan going on with u
muhammad_baiquni> huff
muhammad_baiquni> i am in futur
muhammad_baiquni> my tilawah is very little
muhammad_baiquni> only 4 juz
muhammad_baiquni> 🙁
dhildi> what is futur ?
dhildi> i dont speak arabic, i am non arab speaking muslim
muhammad_baiquni> futur mean ur iman is decrease
dhildi> oh, thats not good bro
* muhammad_baiquni is indonesian
dhildi> how old are u
muhammad_baiquni> 22
dhildi> indonesian people have high taqwa
muhammad_baiquni> yup
muhammad_baiquni> u are india ?
dhildi> i am 23, from Denmark
muhammad_baiquni> owh
muhammad_baiquni> denmark
muhammad_baiquni> 😀
dhildi> yeah,
muhammad_baiquni> i think you are from india
dhildi> why
muhammad_baiquni> not many denmark are moslem
dhildi> thats true
dhildi> but muslims everywhere
muhammad_baiquni> yup
muhammad_baiquni> have friendster ?
dhildi> so ur studying ?
dhildi> i dont use social networks,
muhammad_baiquni> yup
dhildi> they are unreliable
muhammad_baiquni> i am collage student
muhammad_baiquni> mechanical engineering
dhildi> thats nice,
dhildi> wow, thats great
dhildi> when ur finish with studies then
muhammad_baiquni> maybe 1 or 1.5 years
dhildi> insha allah,
dhildi> its soon eid
dhildi> 😉
dhildi> yeah
dhildi> i am finish with studies next april insha allah
muhammad_baiquni> alhamdulillah
dhildi> so what are people doing in this IRC channel
muhammad_baiquni> what are u subject
muhammad_baiquni> i dont know what their purpose
dhildi> I am Network guy and programmer
muhammad_baiquni> but i am using this channel for crack my md5 hashes
dhildi> I am doing cooperative computer engineering
muhammad_baiquni> wow
muhammad_baiquni> that great
dhildi> how can u use this channel to crack md5
muhammad_baiquni> i am dreaming to be programmer, but i can 😀
dhildi> it does a search, thats all right
dhildi> programming is simple
muhammad_baiquni> 🙂
dhildi> its like u write an essay
dhildi> u start with defining the people, then u give them role, give them story, and finish it all like u want
muhammad_baiquni> but i difficult to know the algorithm
dhildi> like u start giving variables, give them values, ask them to do like u want
dhildi> thats it
muhammad_baiquni> 🙁
muhammad_baiquni> i dont know
dhildi> so u stay with your family ?
muhammad_baiquni> yup
dhildi> thats gr8,
muhammad_baiquni> hei
muhammad_baiquni> when i can get more dictionary
muhammad_baiquni> i only have 200 mb dictionary
muhammad_baiquni> and all of them i got from insidepro
dhildi> i can give u a link to 70mb dictionary, when u unpack it, its 21 GB
muhammad_baiquni> wow
dhildi> i dont know the sucess rate of that dictionary
muhammad_baiquni> could i have it ?
dhildi> yeah sure
dhildi> its called acdc’s dictionary
muhammad_baiquni> could i get one ?
dhildi> http://rapidshare.com/files/100861xxx/28GBworxxx.rar
muhammad_baiquni> download process
muhammad_baiquni> 😀
dhildi> 🙂
dhildi> password pro is very slow
muhammad_baiquni> but i think passwordpro is very fast
dhildi> what kind of passwords are u decrypting
muhammad_baiquni> md5, mysql5, DES,
muhammad_baiquni> 😀
dhildi> are u decrypting ur own hashes
dhildi> or are u just trying to fetch hashes from net
muhammad_baiquni> none
muhammad_baiquni> from net
dhildi> ok 😉
muhammad_baiquni> hehe
dhildi> u got any good scripts for vbullin
muhammad_baiquni> i am not programmer
muhammad_baiquni> i dont write any script
dhildi> how are u getting hashes then ?
dhildi> i guess ur trying to deface bulletin boards
muhammad_baiquni> nop
dhildi> then :p
muhammad_baiquni> i am not defacer
muhammad_baiquni> but last week
muhammad_baiquni> i found vbulletin hashes
muhammad_baiquni> and all password like md5 but not md5
muhammad_baiquni> they salted
muhammad_baiquni> but i cannot look in the database the salt
dhildi> u cannot get password of vbulletin unles u got the salt
dhildi> i belive
muhammad_baiquni> usually, like joomla database the salted can be found in the database
dhildi> how are u able to get database
dhildi> is it ur own database ?
muhammad_baiquni> like [0-9a-f]{32}:
muhammad_baiquni> sometime yes
muhammad_baiquni> i trying to found my own password :))
muhammad_baiquni> hahaha
muhammad_baiquni> i very silly
dhildi> :p
dhildi> its waste of time right :p
muhammad_baiquni> just try if my password is hard to be find
dhildi> u can use that same time to learn programming
muhammad_baiquni> but programming is o difficult
dhildi> if u use a password length more than 8 and just one special character then ur pass is strong
muhammad_baiquni> what ur language as your programming
dhildi> .net ( Vb.net)
dhildi> but i doing PHP as well
dhildi> i am not strong in php
muhammad_baiquni> i can php little
dhildi> 🙂
dhildi> isnt it getting late in indonasia now
muhammad_baiquni> but when i enter the OOP, i get crazy
muhammad_baiquni> 🙂
dhildi> what makes it craz
muhammad_baiquni> the OOP
dhildi> 😉
muhammad_baiquni> but if the programming just like stucture program (flowchart) i can little
dhildi> 🙂
muhammad_baiquni> but when enter to OOP, i lost my algorithm
dhildi> just find ur self some good tutorials and follow ur project
muhammad_baiquni> 🙂
muhammad_baiquni> i am web designer
dhildi> really
dhildi> u got any good sites too show :p
muhammad_baiquni> also as mechanical enginering student, i work as web designer
muhammad_baiquni> ipulsa.net and forumlsmaceh.org
muhammad_baiquni> my own site, baiquni.net
dhildi> looks nice
dhildi> have u patched ur wordpess ?
muhammad_baiquni> i am using the 2.6.1
dhildi> then patch it dude
dhildi> unless u have off ur registeration
muhammad_baiquni> but in net, they said the truncated mysql only effect to wordpress with allow user to register
muhammad_baiquni> but im off the register
dhildi> yeah
dhildi> thats true
muhammad_baiquni> 🙂
dhildi> i am new to mirc
dhildi> its nice
dhildi> but most people just stone infront of pc
muhammad_baiquni> what usually u are using
dhildi> for what
muhammad_baiquni> i am using yahoo messanger too
dhildi> i use msn normally
dhildi> yahoo is nice as well
muhammad_baiquni> owh
muhammad_baiquni> 🙂
dhildi> oki bro, i gotta go to taraweh now
muhammad_baiquni> wow
dhildi> we will insha allah catch up
muhammad_baiquni> in banda aceh
muhammad_baiquni> it will be sahur
dhildi> what does that mean
dhildi> is ur place called banda aceh
muhammad_baiquni> yup
dhildi> do u know a organisation called Hizb ut tahrir in Indonasia
muhammad_baiquni> the place where attacked by tsunami
muhammad_baiquni> ya but i am not join it
muhammad_baiquni> why
dhildi> just asked, what ur opinion is about it
muhammad_baiquni> i dunno
dhildi> here in denmark, those brother have great success
dhildi> they work hard for islam 😉
muhammad_baiquni> i am join in tarbiyah
dhildi> i dont know tarbiyah
muhammad_baiquni> hmm…
dhildi> ok bro
dhildi> getting late
muhammad_baiquni> hard to explian
muhammad_baiquni> 😀
muhammad_baiquni> ok
dhildi> we talk another time 😉
muhammad_baiquni> ok
dhildi> dont put ur imaan down
muhammad_baiquni> my ym m_beben31108
muhammad_baiquni> and email: [email protected]
muhammad_baiquni> send email if u want
dhildi> i got u added
dhildi> 😉
muhammad_baiquni> thanks
dhildi> ma salaam brother
muhammad_baiquni> Wa’alaikum salam
Hehehe… senangnya bisa berbicara sama muslim luar negeri dan ternyata dia hacker. Wah… moga-moga bisa belajar banyak dari dia.